Tune in tonight!

12/27/2011 UPDATE:
To view more on the story of families in our community helped by Hesed House please check out the YouTube video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io5UTInn2XU&feature=related

This evening at 6 pm the Rosie O'Donnell show on the OWN network will highlight a situation all too common in our community. A mother with her two young sons who currently reside at Hesed House in Aurora will be the guests.

Hesed House provides shelter for the homeless in our area. It is the second largest homeless shelter in Illinois. Within the past couple of weeks, the State of Illinois was going to severely reduce funding for Hesed House. Some of the children who are living at Hesed House are patients here. We contacted our legislators asking them to reinstate funding so that no child is left out in the cold. We are happy to report that funding was approved and Hesed House will be able to continue to provide services.

A few of our families have spent time at Hesed House until they could find permanent housing. Our non-profit foundation, CareLink, provides free health care exams at Hesed House and other homeless clinics sponsored by area churches. Physicians from the area, including our beloved Dr. Wall, donate their time and talent at these clinics.

This holiday season, please consider helping our families in the community by donating to Hesed House. You may donate online at: https://help.hesedhouse.org/

Here are some other places that we recommend for holiday giving:
  • Feed My Starving Children where a single meal can be provided for just 24 cents! 93% of all money donated goes directly to feeding the hungry. You can donate at: http://www.fmsc.org/
  • How about enabling a family a way to feed themselves? Several ideas can be found at: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/Giving/gift_catalog
  • Over 1 billion (that�s billion with a B!) people around the world go hungry on a daily basis. Each day children die of starvation. You can save the life of a child by donating life saving food, clean water and medicine at http://donate.worldvision.org/OA_HTML/xxwv2ibeCCtpSctDspRte.jsp?section=10680
  • Want to help people in your own community? Please consider a gift to the CareLink Foundation to provide medical interpreters, caregivers at our autism support group or pay for transportation for a child with special health concerns. Or perhaps you would like to further your reach by providing funds for a family in Honduras to set up their own small business. For just $300 a family there can become self employed and self sufficient. You can donate online at: http://www.carelinkfoundation.org/to-donate/