It's checkup season.... Has your child had a checkup in the last year?"

As we head into the third quarter of the school year, we would like to remind parents that if you have a child entering kindergarten, sixth grade or ninth grade in the fall, the State of Illinois requires your child to have a check up with your child�s physician.

Children moving here from out of state are also required to have a check up before they are admitted to school. Don�t forget sports physicals are required for children involved with after school sports.

Although it may seem early to think about the upcoming school year, now is the perfect time to have your child seen. Appointments for late spring and summer fill up quickly and getting in before the rush will put you ahead of the game!

The AAP recommends that every child have an annual check up to ensure that each child lives the healthiest life they can. Many times physicians will see small developmental problems that if caught early can be corrected quickly. If you are concerned that your child is �behind� in their development, talk with your pediatrician. Most children generally catch up with their peers without any intervention. Some children do need a little extra assistance. Talking with your pediatrician can help alleviate concerns and empower you to make great decisions regarding your child�s health.

Let�s face it being a parent is tough! We are here to help you and your child through life�s journey. Our Naperville office is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings each week until 8 pm so that working parents have an opportunity to bring their children in without have to take time off work or pull your child out of school. Our Plainfield office is open Tuesday and Thursday evenings till 8 pm and our West Chicago office is open Monday evenings till 8. We are adding extra check up times for Saturday afternoons.

Our newest physician, Tara Jackson, M.D. is seeing patients at all three offices and is available to see your child now. You will find her easy to talk to. We are delighted that she has joined our practice!

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