PHA's Community Involvement

For the past four years, Drs. Shoshara and Shakir have coordinated the annual turkey drive for the Chicago Muslim American Community. Here at Pediatric Health, staff members donated to the cause along with many others in the Chicago area bringing enough funding in to provide 668 frozen turkeys for needy families in Chicago's Jackson Park and Marquette Park neighborhoods. 500 of those turkeys were provided to families whose children attend Emmett Till Elementary School at 65th and Champlain. The school is the one that Emmett Till himself attended and it has a poverty rate of 99%.
Dr. Shoshara (right rear) and Principal Mary Rodgers
(holding turkey) with some of the other volunteers.

The turkeys were distributed on Monday, November 23rd by volunteers including the principal of the school, Mary Rodgers.

Frank Mathie of ABC news covered the story last year and we thought we'd put a link to it for your reading pleasure: