Community Outreach

This week�s �Interfaith Youth Core roundtable with Chris Stedman� on Chicago Public Radio WBEW 89.5 FM featured leaders of the Chicago Muslim community to discuss how their faith motivates them to serve others. On the panel was our own Dr. Jihad Shoshara, a board member of the Inner-city Muslim Action Network (IMAN) which runs the only free medical clinic sponsored by a Muslim charity in the Chicago area. Dr. Shoshara as you may remember also coordinates the annual Chicago Muslim Turkey Drive every Thanksgiving holiday to provide free turkeys to needy families on Chicago�s South Side.

Other panelists included Anisha Ismail Patel, Founder & Executive Director of the Muslim Women�s Alliance and Angela Salva who is a teacher at a suburban Islamic school.

Together they discussed misconceptions of the Islamic faith and their collaborative efforts within the interfaith community to help the underserved of Chicagoland. It was a great opportunity for area Muslims to be represented positively and for others to hear of their efforts to show compassion, to extend a hand to those in need and to feed those who need it most.

As with believers from all faiths, the Muslim community puts their faith in action by helping to minister to their neighbors and by loving one another. Here at PHA we are blessed to have Drs. Shoshara and Shakir live their faith every day by taking care of our patients as well as our staff. They along with all the other docs in the practice make Pediatric Health Associates one of the premier pediatric practices in the Western Suburbs.