Got milk?

The National Milk Mustache "got milk?" campaign, in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, encourages families to "treat their bones" this Halloween.  You can easily �trick� your ghouls and goblins into getting nutrition by giving them low-fat chocolate milk.  Milk provides 9 essential nutrients to build strong bones and lean muscles.   Although it may seem as though milk is expensive to serve 3 times a day, it actually cost about 25 cents per serving.   In comparison, a can of soda out of the vending machine will cost anywhere from 75 cents to $1.25 on average. 

Another added benefit for children who drink milk as their dietary mainstay beverage is that they have an easier time maintaining a healthy weight over their counterparts who drink soda (diet soda included!) If your child is allowed one can of soda or sports drink per day you may want to switch over to chocolate milk to get the most nutrition while giving your child the sweetness they crave.

For more information on the benefits of milk and some �spooktacular� recipes for Halloween, visit