Dr. Shoshara in the news!

Kindness is a gift we give to others. Many acts of kindness are long remembered and means so much to the person who received it. This past Monday, the Chicago Sun-Times published an article about one mom�s remembrance of the kindness she received from Dr. Shoshara while he was in residency. It told of his compassion, concern and encouragement to a new mom of a premature child who was terrified her child was not going to make it.

You may read the article at: http://www.suntimes.com/news/cepeda/4261205-452/jihad-came-to-me-in-its-kindest-most-gentle-form.html.

Here at Pediatric Health we are blessed with diversity among our patient population and staff. In the true American tradition, we are a melting pot of different cultures, languages, beliefs and traditions. We have patients and staff whose families have come here from Cuba, Pakistan, Greece, Sweden, Mexico, Colombia, Burundi, Ghana, England, Taiwan and so many others places on the earth. But one thing is universal: a kindness given is a treasured gift.

Teaching your child to do �random acts of kindness� helps them to learn compassion, sacrifice and creates the imprint they leave on a person�s life.

We are so fortunate to have Dr. Shoshara in our practice (as we are blessed with all of our docs!) We believe that kind and compassionate care is something every patient deserves no matter who they are.