The expansion of the Naperville office is well underway! Along with expanding space we will be also adding new staff! Two new pediatricians are on the way along with several new members of the nursing staff.
For those of you who have a child who needs a sport physical for Winter sports you may want to avoid the August crunch of school physical season by scheduling your visit in September.

Do we have your preferred pharmacy on file? If not, please send us an email to
pha@pedhealth.net with that information, along with your child's/children's first and last name(s), your address and your child's date of birth. We have several children with the same name and even the same birth date which is why we need your address as well.

Lastly, remember that calling your pharmacy for prescription refills will speed up the approval time from the doctor. Refill requests can now come into the office electronically saving you valuable time by not having to wait for a nurse to call you back.
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