Safety Reminders for the 4th of July

The 4th of July is America�s time to celebrate our freedom and independence. It�s also the time we need to be vigilant about fireworks safety. Every year fireworks send thousands of people across the country to the emergency room. About half of the injuries happen to children.

Sparklers, bottle rockets and firecrackers are the more common fireworks that children have access to. Sparklers can burn at 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. Burns on the skin happen at 130-140 degrees Fahrenheit and can burn in only 6 seconds. Skin ignites around 480 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet we tend to think of sparklers as safe for our little ones. 57% of children under 5 who suffered a fireworks injury received them from sparklers.

Unfortunately sparklers give off sparks that can cause clothing and hair to catch fire. Children�s clothing is not required to be flame retardant with the exception of pajamas. And although pajamas are flame retardant, they are not fireproof,

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urge families NOT to buy fireworks and for families to choose professional firework displays to enjoy.

Glow sticks, bracelets and necklaces are also very popular at this time of year. The fluorescent colors are beautiful but remember they happen because of a chemical reaction. Glow sticks contain tiny glass particles as well.

We have heard of some parents pouring the liquid of a glow stick into the bath water. While fun, remember that you are exposing your child�s skin to chemicals which may be harmful to your child. .

Let the 4th be a great time outdoors enjoying nature, family and friends. Let�s make it a safe one!

For more information on firework safety please visit the following sites: