A bright baby quilt and cute, cuddly stuffed animals makes every infant�s crib cozy, but in actuality it is extremely hazardous to your child.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, cribs should be free of adult pillows, blankets, soft bedding, stuffed animals, and baby quilts. The CPSC recommends that there should be no gaps or spaces between the mattress and the crib. If more than two fingers can fit in between the crib and mattress then the crib is unsafe and your child could be at risk. Playpens can also be a risk to infants if they are filled with stuffed toys or soft bedding. These precautions will help reduce the number of children who die each year from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), or suffocation. A majority of infant deaths are caused by suffocation due to sleeping face down on pillows, blankets, and stuffed toys that fill the crib or playpen. Remember that less is more when it comes to your child�s crib to help ensure their safety.

According to the CPSC, precautions should also be taken when bathing your child in their bath seats. Infants and toddlers are at risk of slipping, falling out, or tipping over into the water. This is a reminder to never leave your child unattended when in the tub!

Gladys A.
Kelly V.