Discount Drug Programs

You may have found that your insurance carrier has now implemented a co-pay tier schedule for medication based on whether the drug is generic, a preferred drug or a non-preferred drug. Co-pays can double and quadruple if you are not using generic drugs.

The good news is that several chain stores are offering free or low cost prescriptions. Meijers offers specific antibiotics for free! Target and Walmart offers many medications for just $4.00 that might normally cost you an $80.00 co-pay from your insurer. You do not have to have insurance coverage in order to take advantage of these savings.

You will only receive a 30 day supply of the medication at Walmart or Target so if you have a specific mail-in pharmacy that will supply 90 days at a time, you should compare whether you will save more by using your mail-in pharmacy or at the chain stores.

To review the list of free antibiotics from Meijers, you may go to their website at and on the left side on the page is a link for free antibiotics. To review the list of $4.00 medications at Walmart, go to The website for Target is .

For those of you who use prescriptions daily to manage your health needs, there are a couple of retail stores that offer 90 day prescriptions on 300 generic medications. Kmart offers 90 day generics for just $15.00. Their website is You should look under the 90 day generic link. Walgreens offers a �prescription club�. You can purchase a 90 days supply of medication for just $12.99 whether you have insurance or not. There is a $35 per year for a family ($20 for individuals) fee to become a member. And to add a little extra benefit, this also includes pet medication refills! Check it out at Click on the prescription savings club tab.

Pat B.