Have a teen? Want to help further research?

Pediatric Health Associates has long been engaged in medical research to help our patients (and all children!) to receive the latest standards of quality care. In the past we have studied cholesterol in children, obesity and most recently dental health.  Now we are pleased to assist in a new research project from the American Academyof Pediatrics (AAP) that is looking to improve adolescent health and preventative services.  This study will ask participating teens questions about their health behaviors and evaluate physician intervention.

When you are scheduling your teen�s checkup our staff may ask you on the day prior to your visit about participating in the study.   We  greatly appreciate your participation in helping us provide information for the researchers.

The study is very simple and for all teens who are chosen to participate in follow up calls will receive a $10 gift card from the AAP as a thank you.   Here is what the study entails:

Parental permission
Teen consent
Survey to be filled out by teen
5 questions about health behaviors asked by the provider
Up to 3 follow up phone calls with the teen (with gift card for each call)

The AAP would like for 100 teens to participate from our practice.   This is completely voluntary.     

Your help is greatly appreciated!