Free Webinar for Parents on Vaccine Questions and Concerns

This past week was National Infant Immunization Week to highlight the importance of vaccinating children.   For parents who may be hesitant to have their children vaccinated on the recommended schedule there will be a free webinar entitled �Everything You Want to Know about the Safety of Childhood Vaccines but are Afraid to Ask!�  presented by the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics

The webinar will be on Monday, May 14, 2012 from 12:00 pm � 1:30 pm.

Scott Goldstein, MD will be discussing what vaccinations children should receive in their early years.  Guest speaker, Patty O�Machel, a parent whose child came down with whooping cough at the age of 3 weeks which resulted in cerebral palsy will also be speaking.

There will be a question and answer period for parents where any immunization questions or concerns can be discussed.

To register go to
Or for more information, please contact Jeanine Solinski at 312-773-1026 ext. 206.